International Guest Lecture Series on Geomorphology merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari rangkaian Seminar Internasional ICERM 2021 dan Program World Class Professor (WCP), Fakultas Geografi UGM. Sesi 1 yang dilaksanakan tanggal 28 Oktober 2021 menghadirkan narasumber Prof. Dr. Franck Lavigne dari Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne yang menyampaikan paparannya terkait penelitian yang berjudul Oldest Written Sources Describing a Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia: The 1257 CE Eruption of Mount Samalas Unveiled in Sasak Babads. Peserta yang turut berpartisipasi dalam kuliah umum ini sebanyak 70 orang yang terdiri dari dosen, mahasiswa, dan peserta umum.
Untuk pertama kalinya, Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan presentasi hasil Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL) 3 secara kolaboratif dengan mitra strategis luar negeri. Presentasi ini digelar sebagai bentuk kerja sama pendidikan dan penelitian internasional, sekaligus wujud upaya mendukung UGM sebagai World Class University.
Fakultas Geografi bekerja sama dengan Pusat Inovasi dan Kajian Akademik (PIKA) UGM dan TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Jerman, menyelenggarakan Training of Trainers on Didactic Learning pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2021. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan untuk saling bertukar informasi mengenai metode pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan oleh UGM selama masa pandemi COVID-19 ini dan sekaligus mengetahui metode online teaching yang digunakan oleh universitas mitra luar negeri. Kegiatan ini diikuti sebanyak 34 peserta yang terdiri dari dosen maupun asisten praktikum di Fakultas Geografi UGM.
Dalam rangka mendukung Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai World Class University, Departemen Geografi Pembangunan, Fakultas Geografi UGM berupaya meningkatkan kualitas atmosfer pembelajaran yang bersifat internasional, baik dari sisi narasumber maupun mahasiswa melalui kegiatan Smart City, Village and Region (SCVR) Summer Course yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 6 hingga 23 Juli 2021. Kegiatan SCVR Summer Course ini didukung oleh Kelompok Studi Smart City, Village, and Region, Departemen Geografi Pembangunan, Fakultas Geografi UGM dan Minat Pembangunan Wilayah, Magister Geografi, Fakultas Geografi, UGM.
Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is a Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students on mobility program to overseas universities. IISMA is designed to accommodate undergraduate students to spend one semester (approximately 16 weeks) at university partner to study, experience host country culture, and do practical assignments to hone their skills. This program is centrally managed by Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education and Culture or MoEC) through the Sub Pokja Merdeka Global. Application of participation is open for undergraduate students from all Indonesian higher education institutions.
Smart City, Village, and Region Summer Course 2021 is an online short-term intensive course organized by Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. This summer course is designed for students who are willing to learn and work hard to improve their understanding, knowledge, and skill in smart city, village, and region. All courses are taught in English.
“AUN-KU Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science” is co-organized by the Graduate School of Energy Science (GSES) of Kyoto University and the ASEAN University Network-Kyoto University Student Mobility Program toward Human Security Development. It is designed for undergraduate students to study the concept of Human Security Development (HSD) and Energy Science. The main theme of this seminar is energy development, which is an important issue in Human Security Development. The participating students are expected to deepen their knowledge on human security development and energy science with the prospect of finding solutions to technological, socio-economic, and political issues in Asia specifically. The seminar will offer lectures and class discussions as well as organize field trips and cultural events. Applicants are not limited to engineering, economics, or science – all fields are welcome.
Program CitRes-Edu menawarkan beasiswa penuh program master di NTNU bagi staf dan alumni Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan (DPP) dan Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada selama dua tahun masa studi dalam program:
1. M.Sc. in Globalisation and Sustainable Development (Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences)
2. M.Sc. in Natural Resource Management (The Faculty of Natural Sciences)
In this Disaster Risk Reduction Education Series (DRR-Edu Series), we bring the theme “Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation: Context, Approach and Praxis” with the title: Continuing Eco-DRR Platform in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic. This event is one of webinar series conducted collaboratively between Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Keio University, Japan; Miyagi University of Education, Japan; Andalas University, Indonesia; under consortium.
Dr. Simone Sandholz, peneliti senior dari United Nation University (UNU), Bonn, Germany memberikan pemaparan dengan topik Adaptive Social Protection-Tapping Synergies for Climate and Environment dalam kegiatan kolokium mahasiswa program sarjana dan magister Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada pada Selasa 25 Februari 2020. Salah satu kolega Dr. Sandholz yaitu Dominic Sett menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya adaptasi sosial dalam meminimalisir dampak lingkungan akibat perubahan iklim di Indonesia. Kedatangan kedua peneliti ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kerjasama antarinstitusi yaitu Fakultas Geografi, United Nation University, dan beberapa stakeholder di Indonesia (Bappenas, Kementerian Sosial, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan).