Program CitRes-Edu menawarkan beasiswa penuh program master di NTNU bagi staf dan alumni Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan (DPP) dan Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada selama dua tahun masa studi dalam program:
1. M.Sc. in Globalisation and Sustainable Development (Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences)
2. M.Sc. in Natural Resource Management (The Faculty of Natural Sciences)
Dr. Simone Sandholz, peneliti senior dari United Nation University (UNU), Bonn, Germany memberikan pemaparan dengan topik Adaptive Social Protection-Tapping Synergies for Climate and Environment dalam kegiatan kolokium mahasiswa program sarjana dan magister Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada pada Selasa 25 Februari 2020. Salah satu kolega Dr. Sandholz yaitu Dominic Sett menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya adaptasi sosial dalam meminimalisir dampak lingkungan akibat perubahan iklim di Indonesia. Kedatangan kedua peneliti ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kerjasama antarinstitusi yaitu Fakultas Geografi, United Nation University, dan beberapa stakeholder di Indonesia (Bappenas, Kementerian Sosial, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan).
TWINCLE Student Exchange Program is a program held by Faculty of Education, Chiba University on February 7-19, 2020. This program is intended to develop knowledge and education to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a world’s goal. It was attended by 31 participants from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Philippine. There were two students from Faculty of Geography UGM who participate in this program, Rahma Aulia Zahra (bachelor program of Environmental Geography) and Ulfah Choirunnisa (master program of Geography).
The Joint Meeting of the ProSPER.Net is an annual event conducted by ProSPER.Net to provide communication media among board member. Prof. Dr. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada and Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.T, M.Sc. attended this meeting as a representative of UGM. The main idea of the event is to evaluate the current activities conducted by each member, and observe future proposed activities to ProSPER.Net. There are at least 48 member universities within ProSPER.Net, and this year event was attended by nearly 27 university representatives.
Beberapa mahasiswa Fakultas Geografi UGM didampingi oleh Dr. Djaka Marwasta, M.Si. berkesempatan untuk melakukan academic visit ke Khon Kaen University, Thailand dan sekaligus menghadiri ICONPO IX di Khon Kaen pada tanggal 26-31 Agustus 2019. Agenda academic visit ke KKU ini merupakan media bagi mahasiswa UGM dalam melakukan forum diskusi dengan dosen – dosen di Fakultas Arsitektur KKU, melihat kegiatan perkuliahan di Khon Kaen University, serta berdiskusi dan sharing pengalaman dan peluang kuliah maupun beasiswa S2 dengan mahasiswa – mahasiswa Indonesia di KKU. Agenda pertemuan antara delegasi Fakultas Geografi UGM dan delegasi Fakultas Arsitektur KKU juga dilakukan dalam rangkaian academic visit untuk mendiskusikan peluang kerjasama antara UGM dengan KKU.
Australia Research Council in collaboration with Asia Research Center of Murdoch University and Universitas Gadjah Mada organize a workshop “Reconciling the Social and Natural Sciences: The Third Workshop of the ARC Linkage Project ‘Hazards, Tipping Points, Adaptation and Collapse in the Indo-Pacific World’. The workshop conducted from 28-29 August 2019 and took place at Faculty of geography and Cultural of Science, UGM.
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada receives the delegation from College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) on August 26, 2019. This visit was part of the preparation for the implementation of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) by the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. On this occasion, NTNU sent 6 representatives from each department at the College of Liberal Art, NTNU including Prof. Chiou-Lan CHERN, Prof. Shew-Jiuan SU, Prof. Tsung-Yi LIN, Prof. Tsan-Shan CHENG, Prof. Jing-Lan WU, and Prof. Tsong-Han LEE. This meeting discussed the plan of collaboration between the two institutions in preparing the education curriculum to be delivered in the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in 2020. One of the closest plans that will be done to achieve the goal of internationalization is to send delegation from UGM to NTNU for several weeks in the framework of an introduction the education curriculum. International exposure in setting targeted program is expected provide an adequate graduates who are able to face global challenges with a several of international experiences both in terms of education, research, and community service. Strategies to gain international experiences that have been owned later will produce qualified human resources with a competitive spirit and high competitiveness in the global platform.
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada together with partner universities incorporated into the Centers for Natural Resources and Development (CNRD), successfully held the sixth IMaREC workshop on 12-15 August 2019. The workshop participants consisted of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; Ain Sham University (ASU), Egypt; TH Köln, Germany; Kenyatta University (KU), Kenya and Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexico. The purpose of this activity is to discuss the curriculum of the master’s program at each university that is incorporated into IMaREC. The curriculum discussion of this master’s program aims to accommodate students who are interested in taking courses at partner universities.
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada has been invited to participate to the Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (EcoDRR) Program Inception Workshop conducted at Morrissey Hotel Jakarta, from 20 to 21 June 2019. This Inception Workshop was conducted collaboratively between Partners for Resilience, Wetlands International, and United Nation Environmental Program and funded by the European Union. The objectives of the workshop are (i) to provide an overview of Eco-DRR/Integrated Risk Management and plans for up scaling; (ii) to capture information regarding important things to be consider and do in implementing activities; and (iii) to explore synergies in mainstreaming EcoDRR/IRM up scaling. The participants range from international, national even local organizations (i.e. UNEP, Wetlands International, FAO, ITPC, and Care International), ministries and national institutions (i.e. KKP, BNPB, Kemendesa) as well as universities (IPB and UGM).
The Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada has privileged to join the international workshop conducted at Vietnam Academy for Water Resource, Hanoi, Vietnam. The international workshop is an extended activity promoted by Center for Natural Resource Development (CNRD) and DAAD, engaged among multi parties such as ITT (Germany), UGM (Indonesia), IUB (Bangladesh), IAT (Thailand), ADPC and many local stakeholders at Vietnam.