(9/01) The third day of Summer Course Pathways towards Sustainable Futures was about field activity. Before the field activity began, Terry and Robin gave a short lecture about “Design Inspiration”. This short lecture aimed to give the participants an idea of how to carry out field activity by finding the problem and giving a solution. They also gave an example of a park design in Netherlands as the basis of this field activity.
After the short lecture, the participants which had already divided into 11 groups began their field activity independently. Each groups observed different locations around campus UGM. During the field activity, all groups analyzed the problem in each location and tried to make a solution. Each groups also tried to make a suitable spatial design for each location they observed.
The last session of this field activity was a visit from Terry and Robin to each group in the field activity location. Each groups explained about their observation result. In the end, Terry and Robin gave each groups a recommendation of a better solution and design.