After being visited by Gadjah Mada University students in October 2015 and January 2016 for TWINCLE program, Chiba University students then come to Yogyakarta. They stay for two weeks in Yogyakarta. Two groups (N and W) consist of seven students stay from 15 February until 26 February and another group (Q) consists of four students stays from 22 February until 4 March.
Students of Chiba University whose majors are education and other subjects respectively visit senior high schools in Yogyakarta. Two senior high school are visited in this year, SMA 3 and SMA 6. They provide Indonesian students with knowledge and experiments regarding cutting-edge science and technology and Japanese culture, it was based on their research. Unit N talking about application the use of fiber and how to create paper from fibers, the unit W talking about LCD. Another group, unit Q presents DNA experiment. The opening ceremony is held on 16 February 2016 while the final presentation is held on 26 February 2016. In the final presentation, students from SMA 3 and SMA 6 also presented their school projects, i.e. rain water harvesting, the use of mahogany oil for protecting of most, and the use of yeast for coffee fermentation.
It was not easy at first because it was their first time to teach foreign student in English, but at the end all of senior high school students are so excited. This program not only enriches their knowledge but also broaden their perspective. At the weekend, Chiba University Students also got an opportunity to travel around Yogjakarta City. Accompanied by Universitas Gadjah Mada students, they visit some famous tourist attractions and world heritage sites, such as Malioboro, Ijo Temple, Nglanggran, Ngobaran Beach and Kaliurang. Furthermore, the students also had an opportunity to do some batik craft making in Prawirotaman.