In the long cooperation with European, Asian and Australian universities, Faculty of Geography had expanded the international cooperation with African universities through the Consortium of Natural Resource Development (CNRD). The Faculty of Geography on May 25th, 2015 had initiated international guest lecture from one of the distinguished fellow, Prof. Gabriel R. Kasenga, from School of Environmental Science and Technology, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Encapsulated his lecture in 2 hours, Prof Kasenga talked about “ Adapting Climate Change in Coastal Cities of South Africa: Case Study Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania”.
To add, the international guest lecture also provide an opportunity for Annissa Triyanti, MSc, whose currently work on similar topic for her Doctoral research in Demak, Indonesia. She is one of the junior lectures at Faculty of Geography, Department of Environmental Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. As she currently pursue her Doctoral at Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), Department of Geography, Planning and International Development, University van Amsterdam (UVA). At the international guest lecture she presented her preliminary finding on climate change related impact, entitled “Being Adaptive and Interactive: A Challenge to Govern Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction at Demak Coastal City”.
This event was able to present a very comprehensive approach upon climate change phenomenon. As Prof Kassenga put highlight on the importance of ecological engineering approach, on the other hand, Annissa Triyanti put notation towards the importance of local content via good governance framework and using social approach thoroughly. In short, the geographic/spatial pattern, again, had contributed a lot to generate local uniqueness, which will be an important steppingstone to come up with effective climate change impact adaptation.
Very warm welcome from around 125 participants consisting from Undergraduate students and Master students. They join the lecture since most of them are interested with climate change related topics, and it was an opportunity for them to improve English proficiency by joining the event. Around 18 students who are currently study in Postgraduate Master and Doctoral in Geography was assigned at Meteorological, Climate and Geophysical Agency (Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika – BMKG) also joined the lecture. Their working background also closely related to the theme presented.
Through the internationalization spirit, Faculty of Geography intends to gain more knowledge from foreign partner, but at the same time tries to disseminate works have been done by our staff/researcher.